Communication that brings Connection: Iceland
Weekend workshop in Iceland.
With Yoram Mosenzon, Certified NVC trainer and Mediator.
We all have one very important thing in common, no matter what our role is. As parents, children, bosses, co-workers, friends, healers and leaders – we all need to master communication!
What is going on between people?
What is going on between you and the people you love – your partner, family, children, friends and others? Why is it so difficult at times to love, cooperate, understand and communicate????
A weekend workshop dedicated to our Relationships.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a simple, powerful and extremely effective tool for improving our communication skills in all our relationships (including the relationship with ourselves).
Some of the topics we will address in this course
- ❀ How to be fully honest without being judgmental or demanding
- ❀ The power of Empathy to dissolve anger, pain, fear and hurt
- ❀ How to connect through conflict
- ❀ How to stand firmly and gracefully for your needs and assertively ask for what you want
- ❀ The Art of Listening: How to hear the essence of what other people say, no matter how they express it
- ❀ How to become a team instead of enemies – the keys to intrinsic cooperation
About Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
- NVC is widely used all around the globe as a tool for communication, conflict resolution, mediation, coaching and self-development.
- NVC is successfully used in organizations, teams, businesses, politics, prisons, schools, families and relationships in millions of everyday life situations.
- NVC helps us see clearly what blocks our communication from being effective and it teaches us what we can do differently to communicate in a way that actually works for us: where we live the very values and intentions we try to manifest with the people and relationships we care about.
- NVC is like taking my meditation cushion into real life. It is Meditation in action.
- NVC is a profound inner revolution that transforms the very way we learn to think and act in the world.
- NVC shows a path to connect through conflicts and misunderstandings and build the ground for natural flow of trust, cooperation and creativity. It helps us heal wounds within ourselves and between us and others. It moves us towards being the leaders we want to be and contributing in the way we desire in any given situation. And more and more and more…
Learning style
You will be invited to work on examples from your own life in an interactive and safe learning environment. We will practice Nonviolent Communication through demonstrations, role-play and exercises in order to integrate NVC values and language more into our daily lives.
The way we teach is: 30% Theory and 70% of Practice/Demonstration/Learning from LIVE situations that are happening in the here and now. Our focus is very much on the Embodied aspect of ‘Nonviolent Communication’, so be ready to dive.
Extra support
Assistants: We will have assistants accompanying us during this workshop.
30-31 August 2025
10:00 - 18:00 each day
806 Laugarás, Iceland (1.5-hour drive from Reykjavik)
Samskara Retreat Center Iceland
Details about the trainer
The fee is a choice of between €350-€700.
- The choice of fees depends on your income and free will. The idea behind a sliding scale is that we all have different current financial situations, and we like to be flexible so that your financial contribution fits your financial situation as well as your personal wish to support us.
- When paid by a business or 100% employed individuals, it is the highest fee on the scale
❤ Regarding Money
We wouldn’t want money to prevent anyone from learning NVC! We see money as a strategy to care for the sustainability of our giving. It’s important for us to have a sense of mutual contribution. ‘Receiving’ supports us in meeting our practical stability (money), as well as supports us emotionally to be in balance and keep our hearts open to more giving. While we stand firmly for our need of mutual contribution, we’re flexible about possible strategies on how to meet this need. Money is our preferred strategy, as it’s easy for us to transfer it to the exact things that contribute to us. That being said, if the amount we ask would prevent you from joining, we can offer the following:
1. If you’re coming from a country where the income/currency is lower than the prices in euros, we’re open to finding a price that makes sense and keeps hearts open.
2. If you’re currently having a challenging period financially, you can pay us at a later date when your finances are better. Sometimes people even pay us a few years later.
3. We’re open to brainstorming other ways you can contribute to us, though it’s not always easy to find things that both you would enjoy contributing and that would actually be contributing to us.
For more information, please contact Tanja Wohlrab:
Book here.