December 29, 2024 14:23

Totelly Facilitator Stories: Meet Pablo

Who are you?

I am many facets of the human experience. One of my facets is a child of Nature, passionate about finding ways to live in harmony with our Mother Earth and with our fellow humans and non-humans. Finding ways for community building and bringing togetherness among all of us.

Another facet of me sails towards the land of ethnobotany and our relationship to plants, especially medicinal plants and their stories, their mythos.

I am also a nomad, a curious explorer of the world, its cultures, languages and traditions. Sometimes I feel like a scientist, wanting to know the truth through analysis and precision tools. Other times I am the shaman, using intuition and the eyes of the heart.

What draws you to OANM? What is your motivation for facilitating such events?

OANM is for me one of the tools of community building. A process that helps discover wealth and abundance in every individual as well as within the community as a whole. I love that phrase of "going from a transactional economy to a relational economy".

One of my motivations is also to discover hidden aspects of people. It helps to bring out things that we sometimes don't expect people to have, or to do, or to like. I like to discover those hidden and weird talents in people and how willingly and happy they are ready to share them.

I love to see when people connect and to see them going more happy and more positive at the end of the event.

What is your facilitator super-power or style?

I think that I am good at bringing happiness, good vibes, smiles and positive energy in a group. I can inspire people to be authentic, to be themselves. And I think I am good at reading the general mood of a group.

What do you hope participants will walk away with after each event? What is your vision?

Thanks to these events, I hope participants feel more connected. My biggest hope is that they can shift from a paradigm of scarcity and fear, a paradigm that says that we are too many and that there is too little of everything, and that we need to compete and be better than the others. I want them to shift from that belief, to a belief that says that we can cooperate, that we have enough, and that we need less to be happy. That there is richness in all of us.

I hope this event will produce a positive change in people's thoughts and feelings. I want them to leave the place full of joy, and with the feeling of bonding or belonging to a supportive circle. is partially funded by Rannis Technology Development Fund and Erasmus+.

Rannis Technology Development Fund Erasmus+

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